Thursday, January 02, 2025
Media21 - 30 of 44
140525A The Sealing of the 144,000 Rev 7:1-8Much is debated about who are the 144,000 listed in Rev. 7. The simple way to answer is to let the Bible tell us who they are instead of making up all kinds of strange and non-biblical explanations. The important thing here that we don't want to miss is what can we learn from them today to make us better believers in the Lord Jesus Christ? Come learn with us.
Plays: 5183
140518 The Sixth SealIn the opening of the Sixth Seal we see world wide destruction unleashed upon the earth. We see people trying to hide from God. How does this affect the way we view our lives today and how must we live in light of the truth of this passage?
Plays: 5613
140511 The Martyr's Seal Rev. 6:9-11The Sixth Seal opened reveals people seen under the Altar of God and asks the question many of us ask all the time."How Long, O Lord." On this special Mother's Day message, in keeping with Revelation Road we ask the same question and seek answers from the Word of God.
Plays: 5253
The Four Horsemen Rev. 6:1-8As the first four seals are opened by the Worthy Lamb, the Four Horsemen break out upon the earth to bring their unique work upon the earth. The judgment of God in the Great Tribulation has begun.
Plays: 5095
Worthy Is the Lamb Rev 5:5-14The Worthy Lamb takes the 7 Sealed Scroll from the right hand of God and worship breaks out in the Throne Room of Heaven. This worship continues to expand until all creation is worshiping Father God and the Worthy Lamb. Join with us as we seek to worship the Lamb in like manner today
Plays: 4913
The Search for the Worthy One Rev 5:5-14In this Easter message we look at the critical importance of the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ as it relates to His worthiness to take the 7 Sealed Scroll from the hand of God and begin the Great Tribulation.
Plays: 5143
140406 The Throne Room of Heaven Rev 4:1-4Based on Revelation 4:1-4 this passage begins the third and final section of the book of Revelation. Included is a discussion of the Rapture and the fact that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
Plays: 5187
140413 The Worship in Heaven Rev 4:5-11In the Throne Room of Heaven great worship breaks out and everyone participates. We see the Four Living Beings, the 24 Elders all in great worship before the Throne. Come learn how we should attempt to worship today in like manner and with the same heart.
Plays: 4458
The Church At Philadelphia Rev 3:7-13The Church at Philadelphia was in the middle of a city experiencing culture clash. The city was dominated by Roman, Greek, and Jewish cultures and none of them liked the church. With very little, this church was commanded by the Lord to hold onto His Word and His Name. They had an open door to reach people with the Gospel that no one could close. Compare this to our churches today.
Plays: 4945
The Church at Thyatira Rev 2:18-29The Church at Thyatira was doing well in many ways. But they had allowed false doctrine to come into their church and to be taught in their church. The Lord will not tolerate that which is false to take the place of the Authentic Truth of the Word of God. This message cautions us to be careful to guard the teachings and practices we allow into our lives and into our churches.
Plays: 5120