Now you and other E-zekiel.tv viewers can watch video and listen to audio, like sermons and songs, on your computer, iPad and other mobile devices that don’t support Flash playback. Videos you upload and choose to share will look and sound even better with improved encoding and compression settings - all without impacting load time. Your media looks even better on E-zekiel.tv. We’ve increased the cap on how long your media files can be. Now you can upload videos up to 15 minutes each and audio files as long as 60 minutes each - still unlimited uploads for free, and all without ads. You’ve always been able to share your site address with media you share, but it's now more prominently displayed just under the title. Consider using E-zekiel.com to power your site for even more options. Now when you upload and share videos - they’re encoded, compressed and stored in your original standard or wide-screen format. This way you know you know exactly how your video will be seen by viewers. E-zekiel.tv was born with the idea that your media should be the focus, not ads. Now visitors see your media even larger, still without ads - and with an improved and easier-to-use interface for sharing. Visitors can now interact and share your media easier with Like ratings, sharing your media on facebook and twitter, and quick access to link and embed tags, and commenting - all from one place. Offer viewers music video lyrics, sermon notes, a map of your church or other support documents alongside your media. In addition, visitors can still download audio files for local playback. |