Saturday, December 21, 2024
ChristWay Baptist ChurchFor more information visit christwaybaptist.org.
Media41 - 50 of 450
Who You WithThe world knows where the standard of righteousness comes from, so we cannot afford to take on the moral temperature of society and call ourselves the body of Christ (Joshua 24: 1-15)
Plays: 3726
Stay in Good ShapeIf you don't know who is on your team, you cannot guarantee what problems you may have to deal with in belief and practices (Matthew 5: 1-16)
Plays: 3293
Make Prosperity a Goal Rather Than a Greeting.Fellowship, whether social or spiritual, is an essential ingredient for good living (Matthew 7: 7-27)
Plays: 3482
Change Prosperity From a Greeting to a Goal in 2019Christians do make mistakes but "sin does not have power over us; we stay connected by the Power of Grace." (I John 1: 1-10; 2: 1-2)
Plays: 3192
Bid Me ComeIn case you didn't know, God has a plan for each of us, so align yourself with God's plan for you (Matthew 14: 22-33)
Plays: 3511
The Mystery of the Great DelivererIt is His nature to deliver people. Believers call upon Him; He indwells and empowers believers (Isiah 9: 1-7; Matthew 1: 18-24)
Plays: 4000
Turning Your Lime Into LemonadeYour success or failure in life depends on how well you apply your creative skills and ability , in process of attainment (Daniel 6: 1-16)
Plays: 3448
Now That We Found LoveAgape defines God's immeasurable, incomparable love for humankind. It is the divine love that comes from God. (1 Corinthiains 13)
Plays: 4157
A Shocking DisclosureWe must always be aware of the presence of God and keep our connection so that He can do the leadership through us, then our situation will be handled with wisdom and discernment (Daniel 5: 18-29)
Plays: 4161