Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Hope Community ChurchFor more information visit go2hope.org.
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What's the Goal in Marriage?Have you ever known someone with an antique car? Chances are they valued that car -- they invested time and resources to care for it. As a result, not only did it increase in value as the years went by, but the owner's joy in the car also increased. However, many cars never make it to that stage. Marriage can be that way. On the one hand, if we don't consciously give our marriages attention, they can rust out. On the other hand, like an antique car, instead of depreciating, marriages can increase in both value and joy. But for that to happen, we need to consistently care and consciously invest time in building our marriages. But how do we do that?
Plays: 6111
A Bird's Eye View of The First NoelA Whimsical View of the birth of Christ from a bird named Pidge.
Plays: 5652
AnnaThe First Noel is a traditional classical Christmas carol, with the word "noel" meaning 'news', or in this case,
the good news of Jesus Christ. This first message of good news was delivered by the angels to the shepherds more than 2000 years ago! Join us beginning December 8th as we look in to that old, old story of Jesus coming as a baby to save His people from their sin!
Plays: 4858
SimeonThe First Noel is a traditional classical Christmas carol, with the word "noel" meaning 'news', or in this case,
the good news of Jesus Christ. This first message of good news was delivered by the angels to the shepherds more than 2000 years ago! Join us beginning December 8th as we look in to that old, old story of Jesus coming as a baby to save His people from their sin!
Plays: 25282
Finally: Greet, Guard, and Give God GloryWe have all had serious questions about our spiritual life. How can I be sure that I will go to heaven when I die? How can I grow in my relationship with God? How can I get out of this frustrating cycle of sin, failure, and defeat? The answers to all those questions are found in the profound New Testament book of Romans. Martin Luther called the book of Romans “really the chief part of the New Testament", and "truly the purest gospel." He added, “It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day, as daily bread of the soul."God has used the book of Romans to transform the lives of countless people through the ages. He can also use it to transform yours! Join us as we take a journey through this incredible New Testament book as we learn together how to live by faith!
Plays: 5520
Missions: Christ's, Pauls, and OursWe have all had serious questions about our spiritual life. How can I be sure that I will go to heaven when I die? How can I grow in my relationship with God? How can I get out of this frustrating cycle of sin, failure, and defeat? The answers to all those questions are found in the profound New Testament book of Romans. Martin Luther called the book of Romans “really the chief part of the New Testament", and "truly the purest gospel." He added, “It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day, as daily bread of the soul." God has used the book of Romans to transform the lives of countless people through the ages. He can also use it to transform yours! Join us as we take a journey through this incredible New Testament book as we learn together how to live by faith!
Plays: 6206
Christian Liberty & Brotherly LoveWe have all had serious questions about our spiritual life. How can I be sure that I will go to heaven when I die? How can I grow in my relationship with God? How can I get out of this frustrating cycle of sin, failure, and defeat? The answers to all those questions are found in the profound New Testament book of Romans. Martin Luther called the book of Romans “really the chief part of the New Testament", and "truly the purest gospel." He added, “It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day, as daily bread of the soul." God has used the book of Romans to transform the lives of countless people through the ages. He can also use it to transform yours! Join us as we take a journey through this incredible New Testament book as we learn together how to live by faith! We'll be wrapping up right before Thanksgiving.
Plays: 6954