Saturday, December 28, 2024
Hope Community ChurchFor more information visit go2hope.org.
Media161 - 170 of 550
Parenting With Grace & TruthParenting takes courage! Whether you are the parent of a
toddler, a teenager, or an adult child....parenting takes courage!
So what perspectives are needed as we
parent our children at various ages?
Join us Sunday March 24th as we begin this new series!
Plays: 5245
Loving Your Neighbor Into the Kingdom
When making a purchase, we love to see the words "satisfaction guaranteed." Wouldn't it be great if life came with that same warranty?
One of our greatest desires is to be able to look back on our lives and feel truly fulfilled--fully satisfied that we have lived a life of purpose and meaning. Jesus promised to empower us to live life to the fullest. Not that life would be free of difficulty, but rather, amidst the challenges of life, we would still experience joy, peace, and deep fulfillment.
But how can we experience that life?
John Ortberg writes, "The heart of Christianity is about transformation--about a God who isn't just concerned with our 'spiritual lives', but who wants to impact every aspect of living. It's realizing that God meets us, not in a monastery, but on Main Street, and that all of everyday life has the potential to be lived as if Jesus himself were the one living it."
Join us beginning on January 13th as we talk about 8 core practices that will transform you and give you the life you have always wanted. As your life is transformed by Jesus Christ, He promises you that you will experience true fulfillment--satisfaction guaranteed!
Plays: 6446
To Serve, With Love
When making a purchase, we love to see the words "satisfaction guaranteed." Wouldn't it be great if life came with that same warranty?
One of our greatest desires is to be able to look back on our lives and feel truly fulfilled--fully satisfied that we have lived a life of purpose and meaning. Jesus promised to empower us to live life to the fullest. Not that life would be free of difficulty, but rather, amidst the challenges of life, we would still experience joy, peace, and deep fulfillment.
But how can we experience that life?
John Ortberg writes, "The heart of Christianity is about transformation--about a God who isn't just concerned with our 'spiritual lives', but who wants to impact every aspect of living. It's realizing that God meets us, not in a monastery, but on Main Street, and that all of everyday life has the potential to be lived as if Jesus himself were the one living it."
Join us beginning on January 13th as we talk about 8 core practices that will transform you and give you the life you have always wanted. As your life is transformed by Jesus Christ, He promises you that you will experience true fulfillment--satisfaction guaranteed!
Plays: 8318
What's the Big Deal About Worship?When making a purchase, we love to see the words "satisfaction guaranteed." Wouldn't it be great if life came with that same warranty?
One of our greatest desires is to be able to look back on our lives and feel truly fulfilled--fully satisfied that we have lived a life of purpose and meaning. Jesus promised to empower us to live life to the fullest. Not that life would be free of difficulty, but rather, amidst the challenges of life, we would still experience joy, peace, and deep fulfillment.
But how can we experience that life?
John Ortberg writes, "The heart of Christianity is about transformation--about a God who isn't just concerned with our 'spiritual lives', but who wants to impact every aspect of living. It's realizing that God meets us, not in a monastery, but on Main Street, and that all of everyday life has the potential to be lived as if Jesus himself were the one living it."
Join us beginning on January 13th as we talk about 8 core practices that will transform you and give you the life you have always wanted. As your life is transformed by Jesus Christ, He promises you that you will experience true fulfillment--satisfaction guaranteed!
Plays: 6935
The Lost Art of Disciplemaking
When making a purchase, we love to see the words "satisfaction guaranteed." Wouldn't it be great if life came with that same warranty?
One of our greatest desires is to be able to look back on our lives and feel truly fulfilled--fully satisfied that we have lived a life of purpose and meaning. Jesus promised to empower us to live life to the fullest. Not that life would be free of difficulty, but rather, amidst the challenges of life, we would still experience joy, peace, and deep fulfillment.
But how can we experience that life?
John Ortberg writes, "The heart of Christianity is about transformation--about a God who isn't just concerned with our 'spiritual lives', but who wants to impact every aspect of living. It's realizing that God meets us, not in a monastery, but on Main Street, and that all of everyday life has the potential to be lived as if Jesus himself were the one living it."
Join us beginning on January 13th as we talk about 8 core practices that will transform you and give you the life you have always wanted. As your life is transformed by Jesus Christ, He promises you that you will experience true fulfillment--satisfaction guaranteed!
Plays: 6942
Spending Daily Time With God
When making a purchase, we love to see the words "satisfaction guaranteed." Wouldn't it be great if life came with that same warranty?
One of our greatest desires is to be able to look back on our lives and feel truly fulfilled--fully satisfied that we have lived a life of purpose and meaning. Jesus promised to empower us to live life to the fullest. Not that life would be free of difficulty, but rather, amidst the challenges of life, we would still experience joy, peace, and deep fulfillment.
But how can we experience that life?
John Ortberg writes, "The heart of Christianity is about transformation--about a God who isn't just concerned with our 'spiritual lives', but who wants to impact every aspect of living. It's realizing that God meets us, not in a monastery, but on Main Street, and that all of everyday life has the potential to be lived as if Jesus himself were the one living it."
Join us beginning on January 13th as we talk about 8 core practices that will transform you and give you the life you have always wanted. As your life is transformed by Jesus Christ, He promises you that you will experience true fulfillment--satisfaction guaranteed!
Plays: 7585
Connecting in Community
When making a purchase, we love to see the words "satisfaction guaranteed." Wouldn't it be great if life came with that same warranty?
One of our greatest desires is to be able to look back on our lives and feel truly fulfilled--fully satisfied that we have lived a life of purpose and meaning. Jesus promised to empower us to live life to the fullest. Not that life would be free of difficulty, but rather, amidst the challenges of life, we would still experience joy, peace, and deep fulfillment.
But how can we experience that life?
John Ortberg writes, "The heart of Christianity is about transformation--about a God who isn't just concerned with our 'spiritual lives', but who wants to impact every aspect of living. It's realizing that God meets us, not in a monastery, but on Main Street, and that all of everyday life has the potential to be lived as if Jesus himself were the one living it."
Join us beginning on January 13th as we talk about 8 core practices that will transform you and give you the life you have always wanted. As your life is transformed by Jesus Christ, He promises you that you will experience true fulfillment--satisfaction guaranteed!
Plays: 10867
Who Works For Your Transformation?
When making a purchase, we love to see the words "satisfaction guaranteed." Wouldn't it be great if life came with that same warranty?
One of our greatest desires is to be able to look back on our lives and feel truly fulfilled--fully satisfied that we have lived a life of purpose and meaning. Jesus promised to empower us to live life to the fullest. Not that life would be free of difficulty, but rather, amidst the challenges of life, we would still experience joy, peace, and deep fulfillment.
But how can we experience that life?
John Ortberg writes, "The heart of Christianity is about transformation--about a God who isn't just concerned with our 'spiritual lives', but who wants to impact every aspect of living. It's realizing that God meets us, not in a monastery, but on Main Street, and that all of everyday life has the potential to be lived as if Jesus himself were the one living it."
Join us beginning on January 13th as we talk about 8 core practices that will transform you and give you the life you have always wanted. As your life is transformed by Jesus Christ, He promises you that you will experience true fulfillment--satisfaction guaranteed!
Plays: 10381
Walking With a LimpYou've messed up. You've blown it. And so now you think that you have forfeited God's blessings and that you just need to trudge through the rest of your life reaping the hard consequences of an unblessed life. But is that How God views your life? When God says He redeems us, does He only forgive the debt of our sin, or can He actually bring good from our failures?
Plays: 6219