Sunday, January 12, 2025
Hope Community ChurchFor more information visit go2hope.org.
Media451 - 460 of 550
Finding Joy by Sacrificially Serving OthersLiving a Life of Joy
What if you could live a life of joy, no matter what your circumstances? What if you could experience peace and contentment in this perilous world? What if you could walk through this life with a triumphant confidence, even amidst the difficulties and hardships of this life? What if you could teach your children how to live a life worth emulating? Those “ifs†are not just distant dreams. They are the realities that God wants us to experience. In fact, the Apostle Paul, while he was suffering imprisonment, unlocked the secrets of true joy as he wrote to his friends in the church of Philippi. Join us this May as we continue to discover how to live a life of joy!
Plays: 15306
Leaving a LegacyAs we celebrate Mother's Day, Philippians 1:27 gives a great challenge to Moms AND Dads about conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel. What does that mean and how does it affect the legacy we leave our children? Tune in to find out!
Plays: 8212
The Goal, The Standard and the ProcessWhat does God have to say about our salvation? About our walk with Him? And what happens when we still continue to sin? This sermon on Psalm 15 helps to explain the process in becoming more Christ-like.
Plays: 9776
Prayer Conference Original SongExperiencing the Presence of God Through Prayer
Are you satisfied with your relationship with God? Do you regularly hear from Him? Would you like your time with your best friend to be deeper? Attend this seminar to find the answers you’ve been looking for!
Plays: 7906
Prayer Conference Second Session - Part 2Experiencing the Presence of God Through Prayer
Are you satisfied with your relationship with God? Do you regularly hear from Him? Would you like your time with your best friend to be deeper? Attend this seminar to find the answers you’ve been looking for!
Plays: 7857
Prayer Conference Second Session - Part 1Experiencing the Presence of God Through Prayer
Are you satisfied with your relationship with God? Do you regularly hear from Him? Would you like your time with your best friend to be deeper? Attend this seminar to find the answers you’ve been looking for!
Plays: 6266
Prayer Conference First SessionExperiencing the Presence of God Through Prayer
Are you satisfied with your relationship with God? Do you regularly hear from Him? Would you like your time with your best friend to be deeper? Attend this seminar to find the answers you’ve been looking for!
Plays: 8184
Prayer Conference Opening SessionExperiencing the Presence of God Through Prayer
Are you satisfied with your relationship with God? Do you regularly hear from Him? Would you like your time with your best friend to be deeper? Attend this seminar to find the answers you’ve been looking for!
Plays: 11042
Experiencing Joy Admidst UncertaintyLiving a Life of Joy
What if you could live a life of joy, no matter what your circumstances? What if you could experience peace and contentment in this perilous world? What if you could walk through this life with a triumphant confidence, even amidst the difficulties and hardships of this life? What if you could teach your children how to live a life worth emulating? Those “ifs†are not just distant dreams. They are the realities that God wants us to experience. In fact, the Apostle Paul, while he was suffering imprisonment, unlocked the secrets of true joy as he wrote to his friends in the church of Philippi. Join us this April as we discover how to live a life of joy!
Plays: 6978