Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Hope Community ChurchFor more information visit go2hope.org.
Media531 - 540 of 550
Truth that Can Transform Your Life_ Conviction, Character, and Conduct (part 1)What does it mean to be a man or woman of conviction and character? What does that life look like in the church, in the world, and at home? Is it really possible to conduct our lives in such a way that people, even our own family members, see Christ in us? Can our lives truly have an impact on changing an entire life of another?
Plays: 18224
Conflict: How to have a fair fight _ Recapturing Your Dream for MarriageDo you know how to fight fair? Can you have an argument that is productive? Do you know what your spouse is saying? This and many more things are being covered in this Message.
Plays: 15781
10.09.2011 Communication_ How to communicate so that your spouse will understandHope Community Church, Wayne Okamoto, teaches about communication in a Marriage and how to speak your spouse's love language.
Plays: 17494
9.25.2011 Doing Life Together / Life Transformation (Part 2)9.25.2011
Doing Life Together
Life Transformation (Part 2)
~Pastor Wayne Okamoto~
Plays: 10906
5.8.2011 Is Hearing God Biblical? Hearing God (part 1) ~Pastor Wayne Okamoto~5.8.2011
Is Hearing God Biblical?
Hearing God (part 1)
~Pastor Wayne Okamoto~
Plays: 15956
7.24.2011 Leave your Nets Behind, Following Jesus (Part 1)7.24.2011
Leave your Nets Behind,
Following Jesus (Part 1)
~Pastor Wayne Okamoto~
Plays: 16135
09.18.2011 The Parable of the 4 Soils_ Life Transformation Part1 ~Wayne Okamoto~09.18.2011
The Parable of the 4 Soils_
Life Transformation Part1
~Wayne Okamoto~
Plays: 14008
5.22.2011 Extremes to Avoid in Hearing God, Hearing God (part 2) ~Pastor Wayne Okamoto~5.22.2011
Extremes to Avoid in Hearing God
Hearing God (part 2)
~Pastor Wayne Okamoto~
Plays: 15684
9.4.2011 Following Jesus to the Cross, Following Jesus (part 5) ~Pastor Wayne9.4.2011
Following Jesus to the Cross
Following Jesus(part 5)
~Pastor Wayne Okamoto~
Plays: 16003
9.11.2011 Special: 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on this nation ~Pastor Wayne Okamoto~9.11.2011
10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on this nation
~Pastor Wayne Okamoto~
Plays: 18911