Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Rice Memorial Baptist ChurchRice Memorial Baptist Church is a Christ centered, Bible centered church in Northborough, Massachusetts. For more information visit ricebaptistchurch.org.
Media111 - 120 of 220
10-2-2016 What In the World Is a Christian To Do With Government?How is the Christian to relate to government? What about when the government is corrupt? Do we rebel? Do we disobey? Do we simply submit? The Bible gives us good direction in these matters.
Plays: 9354
09-25-2016 Romans 9:1-3 What In the World Is a Christian to Do?Where are the tears? Where is the anguish for those who are lost and without Christ? Do we care? What is stopping us from praying and pleading to God to save them? Why do we not weep for the lost? The apostles did. Jesus did. Maybe we ought to pray for the spirit of sorrow and anguish for those who are perishing. Maybe then true revival will happen.
Plays: 12699
09-18-2016 What In the World Is a Christian To Do? Salt and LightA Christian living in this world is to be salt and light. He/she is seasoning to the world; a preservative in the world so more may come to know Jesus; maybe even an irritant in the world. The Christian is a light bearer, illuminating truth, lighting the way to truth and joy in Jesus. Basically, the Christian should change his/her environment for the better and for God's glory.
Plays: 20774
09-11-2016 What In the World Is a Christian to Do? Love!How is a Christian to live in this crazy world of sin and declining morals? What does God tell us about how we can live out the gospel?
Plays: 10284
08-28-2016 Danger of ComplacencyOne of the worst things that can come upon a church is a spirit of complacency. What is it? What does it look like? How can we avoid it? May the church of Jesus Christ be zealous as we glorify our Savior.
Plays: 11477
08-21-2016 The Danger of Evil-BelievismOne of the most pervasive and deceptive dangers to the church in the last 200 years is "easy-believism" or "cheap grace". What is it? What is the danger? And what is the fix?
Plays: 9459
08-14-2016 Danger of Abandoning ScriptureOne of the dangers the church of Jesus Christ faces today is a departure from the anchor of Scripture. As preachers slowly (or rapidly) drift from preaching the truths of God's word, error slithers in.
Plays: 11319
08-07-2016 Danger of MixtureGod wants His church to be pure and holy. It started out that way, but after ungodliness has been mixed in, the church has become powerless, impotent and atrophied. How can the church become pure again?
Plays: 8448
07-31-2016 Acts 3:1-10 Leaping and Praising GodThis is a wonderful gospel story of a man who was touched by God's grace. See how he was...what happened...and how he responded. Jesus sees and cares about us.
Plays: 17119
07-24-2016 Colossians 1:15-20 The Supremacy of ChristWhen we live in this crazy world, we tend to get caught up in the philosophy and the pattern of the world. But the Christian must remember our God. He is sovereign and supreme over all things.
Plays: 10724