Sunday, March 30, 2025
Bailey Baptist ChurchWe love Bailey, NCBailey Baptist Church has a vision to touch every home and every heart within 5 miles of Bailey Baptist Church with the Gospel within 5 years. For more information visit 59242.draco.websrvcs.com.
Media1 - 10 of 37
![]() Gratitude is an Attitude, Not a Platitudecan become a platitude if it does not come with the right attitude.
Plays: 13000
![]() Who Will Say, "I Will..."According to research conducted by the International Mission Board, there are currently 6,825 people groups in our world today where less than 2% of the population have an evangelical presence - that is bible-believing, gospel preaching Christians. Furthermore, there are 3,139 of these groups that are totally unengaged with the gospel. No evangelical church planting movement exists among these people at all. 339 of these groups have a population of more than 100,000 people.
That means that over 4.18 billion people are considered unreached and nearly 200 million are unreached and unengaged with the gospel. I know those numbers seem unreal to us - they are hard to comprehend. Basically, about 60% of the current world population is unreached.
Knowing what we know about the gospel – that, it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes - those numbers ought to break our hearts and keep us on our knees in prayer.
Plays: 11576
![]() How to Make the Most of Christmas This YearE.B. White once said, "To perceive Christmas through its wrappings becomes more difficult with every year."
The purpose of the message today is to help each of us take a step back and make the most of Christmas from a Biblical perspective. The Story of the very first Christmas - as familiar as it is to us - shows us what to do to make the most of Christmas.
Plays: 8497
![]() Destination HeavenAs believers in Jesus Christ, the longing of our heart is for our heavenly home. We don’t know for sure when we will get there, so until that time we will have to settle for a glimpse of home.
Plays: 9222
![]() Don't Be a Stinky SheepFrom 2 Corinthians 2:14-17
Four suggestions that will keep you from being a stinky sheep. If you follow these four suggestions for living, I believe you will give off the pleasing fragrance of Christ wherever you go.
Plays: 9875
![]() Lay Down Your StonesWhat can we learn from the way Jesus treated this adulterous woman that will help us when we deal with people who have fallen into sin?
Plays: 9272
![]() Bringing Your Friends to Jesus - Luke 5:17-26Some of you have people in your life that will never come to Jesus unless you are intentional about bringing them to him. Today in this message, We are going to look at three essentials to bringing people to Jesus…
Plays: 10906
![]() Reawakened part 5: Love Will Keep Us TogetherI truly believe that churches that have experienced a genuine reawakening from God will also experience renewed unity within their fellowship. What is the one common factor that keeps a church unified. Love.
Plays: 21652
![]() Reawakened part 4: Who Says You Can't Come Home.Through church, we are encouraged and equipped to become better Christians. I happen to believe that church is, and ought to be, a place that no matter what is happening in your life, you can always feel safe and be welcomed home.
Plays: 12789
![]() Reawakened part 3: Word of God Speak!In order to experience a genuine reawakening in our lives, we must take a fresh look to the Word of God as our true source of authority and direction and as a change agent in our lives.
Plays: 11313