Sunday, November 24, 2024
Web AdminMedia Statistics:Files: 246 Plays: 478594 Likes: 72
Media71 - 80 of 240
Because!!!Pastor Dennis Lynn preaches from Romans 12: 1-5 with a message on how our lives should be lived because of the truth of the Gospel of Christ.
Plays: 1828
God's GPS for DiscipleshipPastor Dennis Lynn preaches from various passages with a message about what discipleship really is and how to experience it.
Plays: 2178
Dressing Properly for RevivalRev. Dennis Lynn preaches from Colossians 3:1-17 with a message on being ready for revival.
Plays: 1928
The Power of Hidden SinPastor Dennis Lynn preaches from Joshua 6: 27-8:1 with a message about the impact hidden sin has on someone's life and the importance of recognizing that sin and seeking God's grace and forgiveness to move past it.
Plays: 1930
Navigating TransitionPastor Dennis Lynn preaches from Deuteronomy 31: 1-13 with a message about the changing nature of life and how Christians and churches can navigate those transitions.
Plays: 1516
No Reserves, No Retreats, No RegretsPastor Dennis Lynn preaches from II Timothy 4: 7-8 with a message on the importance of being fully committed to the task God has given.
Plays: 2301
Picture of a Spirit Filled ChurchPastor Dennis Lynn preaches from Ephesians 5: 18-21 with a message about what a church looks like when it is relying on God's power and presence.
Plays: 2359
Anticipating Something NewPastor Dennis Lynn preaches from Isaiah 43: 18-21 with a message on the importance of being thankful for the past, but also anticipating the next thing God is going to do.
Plays: 2339
Examining Your DashPastor Dennis Lynn preaches from various passages discussing the concept of making the most of life with the time you have been given.
Plays: 1791
The Model PrayerRev. Dennis Lynn preaches from Matthew 6:5-15, looking at the Lord's Prayer as model for how to develop a life of powerful prayer.
Plays: 1983