Saturday, March 15, 2025
Dana Braxton (DBraxton)Media Statistics:Files: 276 Plays: 863508 Likes: 139
Media41 - 50 of 276
![]() 5/13/15 The Mistreatment of the Righteous (Part 1)Pastor Washington returns to the 1Peter Series with a sermon entitled, The Mistreatment of the Righteous (Part 1).
Point I: The Mistreatment of Christians
a. The prospects of the mistreatment
b. The prosperity in the mistreatment
c. The perniciousness of the mistreatment
d. The peace in the mistreatment
e. The piety in the mistreatment
f. The profession in the mistreatment
g. The preference for the mistreatment
Plays: 1816
![]() 5/24/15 Arguments against the Gay Christian MovementBrother Christian Leto delivers a sermonic dialogue on the Arguments against the Gay Christian Movement.
Genesis 1
I. The creative decree of God is introduced.
II. God determined the nature of all that He created.
III. God determined the function of the thing He created.
Romans 1:18-32
I. Paul's argument
a. God's wrath is revealed because all men have suppressed the knowledge of God.
b. Paul is discussing the distortion of the creature, Creator relationship.
Plays: 4393
![]() 5/17/15 What Happens When We Don't PrayPastor Washington breaks from the 1 Peter series with a topical sermon entitled, What Happens When We Don't Pray.
1. We don't have the power of God.
2. We are easily persuaded and we forfeit the provision of God.
3. We manifest an independent spirit and a prideful heart.
4. Your ministry will not blossom and God will scatter the flock.
5. We fail to come to an understanding of the truth.
6. We miss out on blessings and benefits that God desires to give to us.
7. We enter into temptation and succumb to pressures.
8. You won't see God accomplish the impossible.
Plays: 2817
![]() 5/17/15 What Happens When We Don't PrayPastor Washington breaks from the 1 Peter series with a topical sermon entitled, What Happens When We Don’t Pray.
1. We don’t have the power of God.
2. We are easily persuaded and we forfeit the provision of God.
3. We manifest an independent spirit and a prideful heart.
4. Your ministry will not blossom and God will scatter the flock.
5. We fail to come to an understanding of the truth.
6. We miss out on blessings and benefits that God desires to give to us.
7. We enter into temptation and succumb to pressures.
8. You won’t see God accomplish the impossible.
Plays: 1968
![]() 5/17/15 What Happens When We Don’t PrayPastor Washington breaks from the 1 Peter series with a topical sermon entitled, What Happens When We Don’t Pray.
1. We don’t have the power of God.
2. We are easily persuaded and we forfeit the provision of God.
3. We manifest an independent spirit and a prideful heart.
4. Your ministry will not blossom and God will scatter the flock.
5. We fail to come to an understanding of the truth.
6. We miss out on blessings and benefits that God desires to give to us.
7. We enter into temptation and succumb to pressures.
8. You won’t see God accomplish the impossible.
Plays: 1840
![]() 5/10/15 Rudiments of Right Relationships with the Redeemed (Part 2)This is the continuation of last week’s sermon entitled, Rudiments for Right Relationship with the Redeemed.
d. Concern for others
e. Courtesy
f. Conquer retaliation
g. Compensate blessings for cursing
1. plenary or unconditional love
2. praying for the person
3. proclaim gratitude for others
4. pardon or forgive those who offend you.
Plays: 3751
![]() 5/3/15 Rudiments for Right Relationships with the RedeemedPastor Washington continues the 1 Peter Series with a two part sermon entitled, Rudiments for Right Relationships with the Redeemed.
Point I: The Rudiments for Right Relationships 3:8-11
A. Concord or Consensus
1. Focus on the Lord
2. Fretting Should be Eliminated
3. Fulfill the Will of God for Your Life
4. First things should be First
B. Compassion
C. Care for Others
D. Concern for Others
Plays: 3632
![]() 4/26/15 Marriage is More Important than You ThinkPastor Washington continues the 1 Peter Series with a sermon entitled, Marriage is More Important than You Think.
Plays: 3862
![]() 4/12/15 The Jewels of a Joyous Marriage Pt 1Pastor Washington returns to the 1 Peter Series with a sermon entitled, The Jewels of a Joyous Marriage.
Plays: 2892
![]() 4/12/15 The Jewels of a Joyous Marriage Pt 2This is the second and final part of the sermon.
Plays: 2956