Thursday, March 13, 2025

Evidence of Resurrection

Evidence of Resurrection

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Length: 00:21:12
Added: 2011-04-26
Plays: 2961
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The Collect Gracious and loving God, whose steadfast love endures forever: You are our strength and our salvation. From death and darkness, you have revealed life and light. The mock trial of our Lord appeared to be foolishness to unbelievers. The execution of your beloved son was a stumbling block to faith of others. Yet through these events, the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. By his bitter passion and sacrificial death, you revealed to the world your love and his. In holy songs of joy, we thank you, merciful Lord, for the overwhelming nature of your gracious love. In holy songs of joy, we thank you, loving Lord,for the incomprehensible power of your redemption. All glory be to your son, Jesus Christ, our risen Lord,in whose holy name we pray. Hallelujah! Amen. The Sermon Scripture - John 20:1-18