Sunday, September 29, 2024

Against All Hope, We Believe With All Hope (Romans 4:13-25)

Against All Hope, We Believe With All Hope (Romans 4:13-25)

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Length: 00:38:59
Added: 2013-05-13
Plays: 2618
Likes: 0


The word 'hope' may be a small word, but in our culture, it is very big theme. From wishful thinking to self-centered surety, hope is the fuel for political movements and creative works alike. The Apostle Paul also believes that hope is foundational, to the Gospel and Gospel living. But the hope Paul describes is no wishful thinking. Biblical hope is the confident assurance in God to bring His promises to fruition. As Christians, we must labor to know what God's promises are so that we can live as people of true hope.