Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Tina TappMedia Statistics:Files: 289 Plays: 2963256 Likes: 167
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Awaken ChurchWhy do we try to compartmentalize Jesus? The same Jesus that saves us from our sins is the same Jesus that heals us. Why do we try to make it difficult? It is because of our faith or lack thereof. We try to make excuses but all boils down to faith. We need to get back to the simplicity of Jesus.
Plays: 6179
Name Above AllFather God gave His Son the name above all names. The name with all authority in heaven and earth. The only name by which men can be saved. The name that all men will bow down and worship. His name is Jesus.
Plays: 7938
Made FreePeople are looking to be free. They are searching for answers. The church needs to introduce them to Jesus. Jesus came and made us free. We must learn and obey the word of God. There is freedom in Jesus.
Plays: 6394
What Are You Hearing?The Bible says we are to be hearers of the word not just doers. Some times we read or hear the word and do as it instructs but have no understanding of It. However, if we keep reading the word and seeking Him, we will begin to have revelation. Things begin to click. We begin to understand.
Plays: 8640
Behold and BelieveMany people say they believe in Jesus. They go to church and read the Bible but their lives are not changed. They only have knowledge of Him and do not have a relationship. It is only when we behold Jesus as the Son of God, behold Him as Lord and Savior and behold Him high and lifted up that our lives are changed.
Plays: 6860
You Lose NothingWe've all heard someone say that they lost it all. It could have been family, job, money or home. In all actuality, God is the most valuable thing ever. Being born-again means we have everything, now and forever. If we walk with God, we will lose nothing but gain everything.
Plays: 38827
What Is Faith?Faith is the foundation of a Christian's life. It is through faith that we are saved. Faith keeps us looking to the promises of God. Faith anchors us during storms. Faith honors and pleases God. The opposite of faith is unbelief and it hinders us. Pure faith, even in small amounts, can move mountains.
Plays: 6299
See the UnseenAs believers we are given the same spirit of faith as displayed in the Bible. We believe and we should therefore speak it. We believe and we speak. We speak what we believe. Our faith is demonstrated what we say and do.
Plays: 6540
Walk In God's AbundanceIt seems we live barely making ends meet. God does not want His children to merely get by. He wants us to live abundantly. So why don't we live abundant lives? We tend to give and do just enough to get by. We hoard instead of give. We hinder God's blessings by disobedience, unbelief and lack of intimacy with Him.
Plays: 8823
Change Is ComingChange is coming this year. Things cannot and will not remain the same. We will gain new territory and go to new places. There will be no lack but great abundance as we honor God. We look forward to seeing the return of those who have wandered away and salvation of the lost. 2016 will be a year of harvest and blessings.
Plays: 7908