Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Imputation: Obsolete Idea or Enduring Blessing? (Romans 4:1-8)

Imputation: Obsolete Idea or Enduring Blessing? (Romans 4:1-8)

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Length: 00:31:12
Added: 2013-04-16
Plays: 2210
Likes: 0


Spontaneous generation is a scientific theory that was discredited 250 years ago. Though it endured for over 2000 years, the idea that living things arose from non-living things was finally dispelled. That God counts righteous (imputation) those who have faith in Christ is not one of those obsolete ideas. For the entirety of salvation history, imputation has been God's blessing for sinners who have faith in His promises. Blessed is the one who has Christ's righteousness counted as his own!